GNU/Linux Systems Administrator based in the Philippines
You've reached my personal home page. Here, you can find information about me. As a GNU/Linux Systems Administrator by profession, I passionately make a living by using Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS), and happily make a life by advocating its use. My other interests include Classical music, amateur electronics interfaced to computers and microcontrollers, and model railroading.
In the past, this website used a CMS I wrote from scratch in PHP. And I was confident with its security. However, I believe this website can stand as a static HTML website. This makes me worry less about code and software. Also, this lets me leverage Cloudflare cloud services in making this website available in the WWW with good performance. And Cloudflare has also helped me save money.
I did not write the HTML code of this responsive website from scratch. This is based on the work found in this link.
Please feel free to contact me via e-mail. I can be reached at michael(a) .
My current personal projects:
![]() Philippine History Resources |
![]() Michael Balcos' Blog |
I am based in
Quezon City, the Philippines.
E-mail: michael(a)